Kaiju Gallery 2


Dark Wolf
The Weapons

The Ultimate Devine Fusion of our Entire Universe


Created By: Me, GojiTom
Height: ???
Weight: ???
Powers: Infinite beyond infinite amount of powers, and energy.
Origin / Life Story: A long time ago, there were five titans fused by God and "Heck." These five gods became board, exsisting in an infinity land in which they decided everything. So together, they created Seven creatures of independance. These were the Seven Sages. Each Sage has the power to become an infinite amount of space with an infinite amount of energy to create things with. They at first lived creating things for themselves, as gods in many ways. However, these things were only "puppets." They were only extensions of themselves. So one day, the Seventh Sage, Universe, decided to give up the leisure of controlling everything, and burst into oblivion, forming his own realm. We call this realm our Universe.
For billions of years, life prospered, until the great beasts, kaiju, began to appear. These beasts held enormous power, and had the potential to have a "Universal Spirit" in them. There are Seven Universal Spirits, and when they are joined together, they become the reflection of our entire universe, having infinite upon infinite power. They become the Seventh Sage, while retaining the entire Universe. This instance occured once, when the Six other sages managed to capture all the Universal Spirits. They longed to have Universe back, for with him, they had true power. The power to form a new Titan. One that could destroy all the titans, then rise higher, and become the third party of moral. Good, Evil, and Sage. Although Beyond comprehansion, this would give them Ultimate power. Nothing could be higher, for this Sage Beast would be god, he would be "heck." He would be part of the very outline of exsistance. And so the spirits where gathered, and the Seventh Sage appeared. A battle ensued that could have destroyed a million galaxies in the blink of an eye. After all the battle, Universe decided he would not let himself become the Sage, for he realized that life and death within his reality was the single most wonderful thing to ever happen. It was the blossom of a billion billion flowers upon a billion billion worlds. And the everlasting call of infinite possibilities. For it was this that inspired Universe to fight for everything we know of and beyond. The result was a huge explosion of spirits and energy, unmatched even by a billion billion big bangs. Nothing could be comprehencible by human status. And all Seven Sages were hurtled into their own Universe. Ours simply resumed everyday living, while the others began the amazing path towards the exsistance of life. What happens next is up to the creatures of our universe, and the great spirit that is the stars, that is everything to ever be... UNIVERSE...